One who blows Ro 10 minutes every day can become a master – Watazumi Doso (海童道祖) Roshi
Suizen (blowing meditation) – Meditation practice where one blows whole-heartedly on an aerophone, resulting in an unification of the mind. Throughout human history, flutes have been used by various cultures to bring about a change in consciousness. In Japan, the shakuhachi bamboo flute is most commonly used. In modern suizen, emphasis is placed on breathing, concentration, and awareness.
The fundamental suizen practices include:
Ro-Buki (Blowing “Ro” only) – Blowing a sustained note (Ro-Otsu) with the intent of being completely aware of the experience.
To start Ro-buki, settle your body/mind and blow Ro-otsu for as long as you can, over and over again. Particular attention may be placed on the sound or the physical sensation of the in-breath and out-breath. This practice will build your embouchure, deepen your breath, and strengthen your concentration.
Honkyoku (original pieces) – Playing the original scores written and played by the Komuso monks of the Edo period.
Improvisation – Spontaneous invention of melodic solo melodies and lines; may be matched to energy at time of playing. Example: mood (sad, happy), energy of day (storms, weather), natural environment (locations, seasons, night/day, sunrise/sunset, etc.)